Better Late Than Never- Our Signs Are Up!

Better Late Than Never- Our Signs Are Up!

Just in time for the Holidays, we have our new outdoor signs!
We have a few new in-store signs and a vintage collection out back as well.

It's about a year late, but we are very happy.

As we gather together to celebrate the Holidays, we'd like to extend a friendly reminder: It's time to start preparing your wine. We want to ensure that your Holiday Season is as special as ever. That's why we're encouraging you to get a head start on your wine-making process.

Thank you for your continued support and loyalty. We look forward to assisting you in crafting the perfect wine for your holiday gatherings. If you have any questions or need guidance on your wine-making journey, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Wishing you a festive and Holiday Season filled with love, laughter, and, of course, exceptional wine.

Warmest Regards,

John & The Village Winemaker Team