Hello and Update January 2022

Hello and Update January 2022

Dear Friends & Fellow Winemakers,

Happy New Year!
As we enter into this new year, I can't help but feel like we are in a scene from "Groundhog Day". This pandemic loop just keeps playing out. Hopefully there is an end in sight or at least some normalcy to this event that has been nothing like normal.

We have decided to suspend in house bottling for the remainder of January. We are offering bottling services happily with curbside pick up. We will revisit this protocol at the end of the month when the Ontario government decides how they are going to proceed with openings, etc.

The way it will work is for you to schedule the drop off of your bottles (or choose new bottles $1.25/ea - green) and schedule a pick up of your wine. Liz has been getting in touch with most of you who have wines coming up for bottling.

Please indicate whether you would like labels, shrink caps and the date stamp on your bottles. If you would like new labels on the bottles, please ensure that they are clear of any other labels.

We are still available by phone during business hours and we encourage you to call should you have any questions, concerns, or just to say hi! (905-257-9463)

No Drop ins please. Call ahead.

Oh and one last thing - we will have an important and exciting announcement in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

Wishing everyone a year of happiness and continued health!


John Seaga